Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation
Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation shines light on the problem our corrupt society faces, and explores a biblical solution for this ongoing and unending moral mess.

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There is great evil lurking in the world. As fallen humans live together in community, we can expect to see sinfulness in every level of society.
We know that the gospel is the solution. Through faith in Christ, sinful people are converted and baptised into the Body of Christ, the church. However, much to their surprise, sin and corruption can even be found in the church!
We know that Jesus wishes the church to be salt and light in society: salt to preserve our communities from moral filth, and light to show others the path – through faith and obedience – to Jesus Christ. But what happens when the Christian church reflects the same moral rot found in society? When the church has failed to be salt and light, what’s a Christian to do?
Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation shines light on this problem and explores a biblical solution. Richard Gehman speaks to those who are sick of the corruption in the church and in the nations, pointing to the solution for this ongoing and unending moral mess.
It’s time the church rises up against corruption, and this book will show her how.

For 36 years, Rev Dr Richard J. Gehman has served in Kenya with the Africa Inland Church as a missionary of the Africa Inland Mission. He received his MA from Wheaton College, his Master of Divinity from Gordon Divinity School, and his Doctor of Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary.
He taught at Scott Theological College, Kenya, where he was principal for eight years. He was the Coordinator for the Theological Advisory Group (TAG), a research and renewal group of the Africa Inland Church, Kenya; the Director of the Institute for Church Renewal; and the editor of the Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology (AJET) for eight years.
He is the author of several, books including African Christian Theology Revisited, Learning to Lead: The Making of a Christian Leader in Africa, and Essential Africa Inland Church History.
In 2002 he and his wife, Florence, retired in Central Florida, USA. They have two children and nine grandchildren.
In Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation, Dr Richard J. Gehman, long serving A.I.M. missionary to Africa, presents a compelling case study on the thorny question of the church-state relationships, focusing on the vice of corruption. Through numerous examples of news items that span over decades, corresponding to his stay and work in Kenya, Dr Gehman argues that, with good discipleship practices, the church in Kenya is best placed to provide leadership to society in its attempt to deal with this crippling vice. However, as he argues, this is only possible if the church cleans her own backyard first. —Dr Jeremiah Mutie (PhD), Professor of Theology and Church History in Southern California Seminary
Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation by Richard Gehman is not only a timely book, but a helpful tool for Christian churches because its proposed solution to corruption is biblical, relevant, and attainable. Though corruption is a global human menace, the Kenyan case study illustrated by the book, shows the devastating ravages of the vice in a particular context. Dr Gehman meaningfully uses Kenya as a case study to illustrate the global nature of corruption and its impact. —Rev Dr Elias Ng’etich (PhD), Professor of Religious Studies in Moi University
The Multi-Church Pastor
Mastering Ministry
Conflict Resolution in the Church
African Traditional Religion and Christian Counseling
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