Stand Up for the Gospel
Getting the Church Back on Track
Stand up for the Gospel will reveal what is happening in many of our churches today, and equip you to defend our timeless faith. In the midst of counterfeits, rediscover the refreshing truth of God’s Word and the glorious, life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.

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A poor believer dances to the offering box, sowing her last savings in hopes of reaping a job or a husband. “Surely this time, I have enough faith!”
Pastors sell anointing oil and holy water to make your prayers powerful. Governments want to regulate the church’s corruption. It’s enough to make anyone discouraged.
Are you worried about false teachers in the church? Jesus’s brother was too. The book of Jude, written by Jesus’s half-brother, was delivered to God’s people at a time when the early church was struggling with teaching that departs from the gospel of Jesus Christ. His solution? Defend the gospel at all costs.
Jude’s call to uphold the faith is just as powerful today. Connecting Scripture with his research on churches, Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo echoes Jude’s warning against false teaching and reminds us there’s hope if we hold fast to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stand up for the Gospel provides answers, equipping you to defend our timeless faith. In the midst of counterfeits, rediscover the refreshing truth of God’s Word and the glorious, life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rev Dr Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo is passionate about the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ, Christian discipleship, and Christian spiritual formation. Originally from Ghana, he has served in the Anglican Church of Kenya for over 20 years.
He has trained pastors across mainline and charismatic churches. He has been involved in leadership roles with para-church ministries that include Life Challenge Africa, the Navigators, and the Renew Conference in Kenya for missionaries in East Africa. He has ministered in churches that include Deliverance Church, the Kenya Assemblies of God, and Christ Is The Answer Ministries. He is currently leading an interdenominational church plant to an unreached group in Nairobi.
Dr Amoafo co-authored Light For Our Path: A Guide to the Lectionary for Preachers in Africa and has written many book chapters and articles. He was featured in a New York Times article and interviewed by the BBC radio during his time as Vice President of Ghana Homes Inc in the US.
He holds degrees in Bible/Theology and Biblical Studies from Global University, as well as a PhD in Theological Studies from Pan Africa Theological Seminary.
He has been a lecturer at Carlile School of Theology, where he was also the Director of Student Affairs. He is currently with the Theology departments of Global University and St Paul’s University.
He is married to Dr Esther Nkrumah, and they have five young adult children.
Stand Up for the Gospel is a clarion call to resist the temptation of manipulation through false teachings about the Kingdom of God and to focus on the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ that transforms unto eternal life. I recommend this book to fellow church leaders, pastors, lay leaders, seminary students, and Sunday school teachers, as well as those who seek encouragement to continue on the path of truth – not only in Africa but all over the world. —Most Rev Daniel Okoh, General Superintendent of Christ Holy Church International and International Chairman of the Organisation of African Instituted Churches
The call of Jude to “contend for the faith” is as legitimate for us today as it was back then; it cannot be ignored. Amoafo delivers a bold call for consistent expression of faith that bridges the gap between growth and impact. This is a timely work of great relevance, and we must be grateful for this prophetic study. —Rev Prof J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Baeta-Grau Professor of African Christianity and Pentecostal Theology, President of Trinity Theological Seminary, Ghana
Amoafo succinctly exposits the letter of Jude to expose the false “men of God” in present-day Africa who preach a false gospel and practise similar ungodliness and immorality. True to Scripture and unflinchingly practical, Amoafo is not ashamed to allow the message of Jude to wear African clothes and African shoes. Amoafo vividly shows how Jude lays out a battle plan for fighting such false teachings which centres on the unmerited grace of God found in Jesus Christ. —Bishop Martin Morrison, Chairman of The Gospel Coalition Africa, Bishop of REACH SA
After the manner of Byang Kato, a widely acclaimed advocate of doctrinal purity and orthodoxy in Africa, Amoafo takes on all manner of false teachings and calls Africa to return to the purity of the faith and doctrine. Spirited, well-written, and based on Amoafo’s doctoral research, this study will be widely read and talked about throughout Africa and will certainly have an impact. —Prof Aloo Osotsi Mojola, St Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya, former Africa Translation Coordinator for United Bible Societies
Amoafo issues a valuable, timely warning about the prosperity gospel. He lets the biblical text speak powerfully, illustrated again and again by real-life examples he encountered during his doctoral research for this book. He also provides fruitful positive stories of believers in Africa who have pursued the truth of the gospel, as urged by Jude. The tone is balanced and measured, as the author lets Jude point to better paths for biblical faithfulness. Readers will find the study questions that accompany each chapter especially helpful for sensitive reflection. —Dr Paul Bowers, editor of “Christian Reflection in Africa: Review and Engagement”
Amoafo takes the threat of the so-called prosperity gospel head-on, proving from Scripture that this is no gospel at all but rather a dangerous counterfeit that deprives people of the blessing of the true gospel. Stand Up for the Gospel is expertly written, masterfully weaving sound biblical teaching with heart-warming stories of real people affected by the prosperity doctrine and those battling it. While it raises the alarm, it also chronicles battles won. It is ultimately a book about hope, full of wisdom and practical advice. This book is a must-read for every Christian. —Dr Audrey Julia Walegwa Mbogho, Associate Professor of Computer Science, United States International University: Africa
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