I Once Was Dead
How God Rescued Me from Islam, Drugs, Witchcraft, and even Death
In I Once Was Dead: How God Rescued Me from Islam, Drugs, Witchcraft, and even Death, Cedric Kanana shares his incredible testimony with the world.
Echoing the book of Acts, Cedric’s compelling story shows us that the authority of Jesus over our lives can defeat even the greatest strongholds of evil!

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Who holds the strongest power over us? Is it the forces of darkness? No, the authority of Jesus over our lives can defeat even the greatest strongholds of evil!
From a youth spent consumed by drugs and violence to an adulthood dedicated to defending Islam, Cedric Kanana knows what it’s like to be far from God. But when Cedric was lost to madness, Jesus healed him. When Cedric was dead, Jesus brought him back to life.
Now, in I Once Was Dead: How God Rescued Me from Islam, Drugs, Witchcraft, and even Death, Cedric shares his incredible testimony with the world. This compelling narrative echoes the book of Acts; the miracles Cedric witnessed give all glory to God – whether healing, deliverance, resurrection, protection from threats, or hearing God's voice. Though Cedric’s story is more dramatic than most, his testimony illustrates many of the pressing issues in Africa today.
Throughout the riveting, action-packed plot of I Once Was Dead, one central message shines through: Jesus is stronger than death, than addiction, than Islam, than traditional religion, than curses. God is great, and no matter how lost we are, he will never stop pursuing us.

Cedric Kanana is a joyful evangelist and priest in the Anglican Church of Rwanda, where he is chaplain at Kigali prison and director of the Father’s Union. For the last ten years, Cedric Kanana has preached at university missions and evangelistic conferences all over East Africa. He often preaches to over 100,000 people a year at large crusade events in Rwanda, South Sudan, Kenya, Cameroon, Zambia, Angola, Uganda, South Africa, and Congo. He has been a featured guest on Rwandan radio and television in a series of highly rated debates with atheists which have led to the conversion of several prominent Muslim sheikhs. He is also a speaker with the GoodWORD Partnership, RZIM in South Africa, and Africa Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE), and maintains connections with the Barnabas Fund.
He is ordained in the Anglican Church of Rwanda and is connected to Anglican church leaders across East Africa. He holds a BA and MA in Theology from Uganda Christian University and is working on a PhD from South African Theological Seminary.
The co-author, Benjamin Fischer, is the rector of Christ the Redeemer in Nampa, Idaho, and Associate Professor of Literature at Northwest Nazarene University. He holds a PhD and MA in Language and Literature from the University of Notre Dame, and an MA in Church History from Emory University. He has been the editor of a scholarly journal, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, and has written numerous articles on missions in colonial and post-colonial contexts. He is ordained in the Anglican Church of Rwanda.
The coauthors have founded a university ministry with chapters at all the Rwandan universities as well as several branches in Uganda.
I Once Was Dead by Cedric [aka Swidiq] Kanana with Benjamin Fischer is like returning to the Acts of the Apostles. Here is the riveting autobiography of Cedric Kanana testifying to the power of the Lord Jesus Christ over Islam, African witch doctors, and even death. In the Lord’s good pleasure he took Cedric, a born leader, captive from his spiritual enemies to bring honor to the name of Jesus Christ. A serendipity of this stirring narrative is its insights into a gang of thieves, the drug culture, Islam, and witchcraft. The only flaw in this book is that it has a last page. I hated to put it down. Thank God for our authors for giving us such a spiritually revitalizing story. —Dr Bruce Waltke, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary and Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Studies at Regent College
All across the Global South, God is using his faithful people to speak and work in power – healing the sick, driving out demons, and reconciling mortal enemies. Rev Cedric’s story is distinctive in that it combines all of these marvelous works of God. Hundreds of people have committed to following Jesus through Cedric’s testimony and preaching, and it is my hope that this book will also be a tool for many others to place their trust in the Almighty God. —Most Rev Dr Onesphore Rwaje, Retired Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Bishop of Gasabo Diocese, and Member of the Global South Primates Council
Cedric’s story is one of the best evangelistic messages. It will bring many generations to know the truth of the salvation we have in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This book brings the gospel into reality and inspires me to do the work of an evangelist. God longs to see many young people in Africa, as well as other continents, experiencing the same grace Cedric has put in this book. This is a book for all. —Emmanuel Kwizera, African Enterprise International Missions Director, Lausanne Movement Catalyst for Proclamation Evangelism
Cedric Kanana’s remarkable story takes readers from the sordid depths of human darkness – the most brutal extremes of sin and even death itself – to the glorious, redeeming light of Christ. It is not an exaggeration to say that even the Apostle Paul’s conversion was not as dramatic as this. I was mesmerized and inspired as I read the book. —Dr James Spiegel, Professor of Philosophy at Taylor University and author of “Gum, Geckos, and God”
This story takes us on an improbable journey – which gives hope for our own improbable journeys. While the details of our lives may be different, Cedric’s story of grace and transformation by Jesus will resonate with all who seek to know their true identity as a son or daughter of the King of Kings. —Rt Rev Kenneth Ross, Bishop of the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains in the Anglican Church of North America
As I have seen when Cedric shares his story in ministry, I trust this book will be an important help for both Christians and non-Christians as a way to recognize that many of our problems result from how we misalign our lives and place our hopes in things that betray or destroy us. Only Jesus could have saved Cedric, and only Jesus can save any of us. —Rt Rev Emmanuel Ngendahayo, Bishop of Byumba Diocese in the Anglican Church of Rwanda
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