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Ron Meyers

Habits of Highly Effective Christians

Habits of Highly Effective Christians reveals 17 habits that can help you lead a more fulfilling, godly life both personally and professionally. This book will challenge how you think about the way we live in the 21st century.

Nuria Books
Scripture Union South Africa

Oasis Distribution Partners

It’s no secret that the Christian life can be extremely challenging.

As we try to honour a perfect God in a broken world with sinful hearts, it’s easy for us to become discouraged, blind, or complacent in our walk with Jesus.

Writing from a lifetime of experience in God’s service, Ron Meyers seeks to help his struggling brothers and sisters in Habits of Highly Effective Christians. Drawing from the wise and effective practices he has learnt over the years, Meyers presents 17 habits that have helped him to better honour Jesus.

Examining topics such as prayer, fasting, marriage, and parenting, as well as physical and financial health, Meyers provides an in-depth look at what following Jesus looks like in practice. As you read this book, you will be encouraged and challenged to better glorify Christ in every facet of life.

If you’re a Christian seeking to become an obedient, persevering, and God-honouring believer in the 21st century, Habits of Highly Effective Christians may change your life.

Ron Meyers was raised in a pioneer pastor's home and began pastoral ministry as a student pastor while attending Bible College. Together with his wife Char, they served for many years as pastors in Canada and as missionaries in Korea, China, and Africa. From 1996 to 2006, he served as the Professor of Missions and Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Missions program in the School of Theology and Missions at Oral Roberts University.

Ron Meyers' book is a superb resource for maturing Christians who want to be challenged, encouraged, and counseled in living lives that count for Christ. This warm and readable work has all the humanity of a man in love with his Lord and his subject. It is witty and wise, and I heartily recommend it. —Wayne Martindale, Author, C.S. Lewis Scholar, and Emeritus Professor of English Literature at Wheaton College

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