Oasis Bibles for Discipleship in Africa
New Living Translation
As the church continues to grow, making Africa the largest Christian continent, Oasis International is proud to introduce Africa’s first full line of Africa-focused value Bibles. Each captures the unique flavours and cultures of our beloved people.

"The translation Oasis uses, the New Living Translation, is a translation that is highly respected internationally. It’s not different from the NIV or the King James Version. It is just the way it is written. We did not do anything to the Bible text itself.” Esme James, Gospel Truth Ministries

Using the New Living Translation is a perfect choice to meet the needs of modern Africa. It combines the latest biblical scholarship with a clear, dramatic writing style to communicate God’s Word powerfully to all who read it. As a descendent of William Tyndale’s translation, that formed the base of the beloved KJV, the New Living Translation Bible captures the heart of our people. The New Living Translation is perfect to be read aloud in our gatherings, small groups, and churches.
The New Living Translation or NLT is easy to read and understand, and accurately communicates the meaning and content of the original biblical texts. With a focus on clarity, the NLT invites readers to go deeper into the biblical text to discover God’s story for their lives and in their world.
- The NLT makes use of manuscripts discovered on the African continent in the ancient ruins of Oxyrhynchus.
- The NLT is readable enough for a 12-year-old to understand, yet authoritative enough for the pastor preaching in the pulpit.
- Similar to the way the KJV was created, the NLT was translated by a diverse team of 90 scholars. Among them were Anglicans, Baptists, Pentecostals, and many others.

As in Bible times, more people today will hear the Bible read aloud in church than will read it for themselves. Therefore, a translation must communicate with clarity and power when it is read aloud. For this reason, the NLT has been intentionally crafted to be ideally suited for public reading:
- The NLT is easy to understand and has an emotive quality that will make an impact on listeners.
- The NLT speaks right to the heart and minds of listeners because they immediately understand its message without having to process complicated language.

The NLT is a full translation and not a paraphrase. In the U.S., the NLT ranks consistently as one of the top three bestselling and trusted translations, along with the KJV and NIV.
1. New International version
2. King James Version
3. New Living Translation
4. English Standard Version
5. New King James Version

William Tyndale was passionate about God’s people having access to God’s Word because he believed in its power to transform lives. In his time, 1492-1536, only leaders in the church had access to the Bible. Following the lead of Martin Luther in Germany, he was the first to translate the original Greek and Hebrew texts into English for the English people. 90% of his translation became part of the beautiful and majestic King James Version Bible. In its day, the KJV was in the English the people understood.
Tyndale House publishers was named for William Tyndale because the founders were passionate about bringing God’s Word to the people in a way that was relevant and powerful, just like William Tyndale in his day. In that spirit and this proud tradition, the New Living Translation was created.
Exactly as the KJV in its day, today’s NLT takes God’s Word and makes it readable, preachable, and relevant in the English of our day. To find out more about the KJV and the translation of the NLT, read the introduction in the Africa Study Bible which can be found here: Africa Study Bible Sampler
Oasis International Bibles
Believing in the power of this translation to change lives, hundreds of African scholars have written notes that help Africans understand the Bible even better. Each beautiful Bible combines the tradition of readable Bibles with insight for Africa.
Oasis is proud to be the publisher of the first family of English Bibles specifically built for Africa. For study, for students, for a portable Bible to carry, for larger print, for evangelism; the needs of your family, church, or ministry are covered! Anglicized, using the spelling of our schools, Oasis’s Bibles have features that illuminate the truth of Scripture with a unique, African perspective.
Oasis International Bibles include:
Africa Study Bible
The Africa Study Bible (ASB) is the most ethnically diverse, single volume, biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries, it includes the Holy Bible: New Living Translation, and more than 2,600 features that illuminate the truth of Scripture with a unique, African perspective.
The Africa Study Bible is a monumental study Bible, with notes by scholars and pastors in Africa who see the critical need to make Scripture relevant to our everyday lives. It’s an all-in-one course in biblical content, theology, history, and culture.
NLT: Africa Edition
This New Living Translation Bible: Africa Edition from Oasis international marries the beauty of a clear and accurate Bible text with Africa-relevant features such as Book Introductions that connect each book’s content to African contexts and a full timeline of God’s work in Africa.
This NLT edition also includes a more than 45-page expanded concordance to help to further navigate scripture, full-colour maps that illustrate Africa’s role in the Bible, a presentation of the story of the Bible gives clarity from the African context, and a full-colour presentation page makes this Bible the perfect gift or keepsake.
The NLT: Africa Edition Bible comes in two sizes. The smaller, more portable version is available for use in schools to teach children the truth of the Word of God from a contextual and relevant point of view.
Following Jesus
Who is Jesus and how do I follow him? This is a question millions are asking. Following Jesus: An African Journey Through Luke seeks to answer these questions from a uniquely African perspective. Featuring the clear and easy-to-read New Living Translation and 50 notes and features from the Africa Study Bible, this small-format Gospel of Luke is the perfect evangelism tool for the African continent.
It contains the Gospel of Luke from the New Living Translation; answers to critical questions; notes and features leading new believers to a deeper understanding of Christ from an African perspective on topics such as: “Who is Luke?”, “The Good News of Jesus Christ”, and “The Accuracy of the Gospels.”
NLT Large Print Reference Bible
with Africa's Guide to Essential Christian Belief
Oasis is currently working on our newest Bible edition - NLT Large Print Reference Bible. This versatile Reference Bible features large text and utilities for pastors and teachers, which include a concordance; a centre column reference; book introductions; and articles and resources that make up a brief course in systematic theology. The unique features of this Bible are written by and for Africans, from an African perspective.

It is evident in Scripture that the biblical documents were written to be read aloud, often in public worship (Nehemiah 8; Luke 4:16-20; 1 Timothy 4:13; Revelation 1:3).

Download the ASB App
The Africa Study Bible app unleashes the most ethnically diverse, single-volume, biblical resource developed to date on your phone or tablet. Written by more than 350 contributors from 50 countries, it includes the New Living Translation and more than 2,600 features that illuminate the truth of Scripture from African perspectives.
The Africa Study Bible app is now on the Tecarta Bible App, the world’s best study Bible app which is available to download on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
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