Helping Without Hurting in Africa
Train leaders working with the poor in Africa to proclaim the gospel in both word and deed.
- Empower churches to bring lasting change with their own resources.
- Train leaders to help low-income individuals and communities wisely.
- Apply biblical poverty alleviation principles.

Helping Without Hurting in Africa Training works through three steps:
Get your guides
Buy the Facilitators Manual and download the free Participant Manual for your team.
Lead your team
Use the Facilitator Manual to train your team on biblical poverty alleviation principles.
Apply what you learn
Use the biblical principles of poverty alleviation to help people without hurting.
Get the Facilitator and Participant Manuals

What do those who've gone through the training have to say?

“I think that we all need to know that yes, communities would benefit from external help but, these communities are not necessarily poor to a level that they cannot contribute. And when you contribute to your own development you own it more, you find a sense of belonging more, it is more sustainable because then you’re already contributed to it and it is part of you.”
—Naomi Makau, Development Worker, World Renew

Published on The Gospel Coalition Africa:
- How to Manage Money as a Couple
- Work: God's Blessing or a Punishment?
- If Your Motivation for Work is Low, God Can Fill it Up
- 7 Ways to Honour God in Your Work
- Your Job is a Blessing, Both for You and Your Community
- Christians in Business: Necessary or Naive?
- Is Wealth Creation Evil?
- Recommended Resource: Helping Without Hurting in Africa
Published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly, a Missio Nexus Publication and reposted with permission on the Oasis blog:
Articles by the Authors:

Jonny Kabiswa Kyazze is a community and organisational development consultant with a deep interest in contributing to the transformation of individuals, communities, and organisations. He has worked with various national and international development organizations at different management levels, and has over 20 years’ of experience in community-based development working with the rural and urban communities. Jonny is currently working with Resonate Global Mission as the partnership coordination manager- Eastern and Southern Africa. He holds a master’s degree in management and Organisational Development, a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Based Development and a Diploma in Business Management. Jonny is also a consultant in management and organizational development and the author of another book titled: The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance.
Anthony Sytsma and his wife Sara work for Resonate Global Mission in Uganda, where Anthony mentors and teaches pastors. He is passionate about encouraging Christians in America to listen and learn from Christians in Africa so that they can work collaboratively to reform mission and development efforts in Africa. Anthony has worked for World Renew in Uganda and Kenya. And he hosts a podcast called Meet an African Pastor.
Dr. Brian Fikkert is Founder and President of the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, where he also serves as a Professor of Economics and Community Development. He is coauthor of 8 books, including the best-selling When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . .and Yourself. Dr Fikkert earned a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University, specializing in international economics and economic development.
Please feel free to contact the authors if you are interested in trainings, have questions about the curriculum, need to access facilitator slides, or you wish to share a testimony. The authors also appreciate constructive feedback about how to improve the curriculum.
Jonny and Anthony are happy to facilitate trainings themselves as they have time.
- If you wish to call upon them, first make sure you have identified the host and venue for the training in your region.
- If one or both of them is available and willing to facilitate the training, the host can then mobilize participants and plan the training.
- In most cases the host would be responsible for meeting the cost of travel and accommodations for either of the co-authors who came to facilitate.
- Sometimes the co-authors may also be able to cover part of their costs related to the training. If the authors are unable to come themselves, they will suggest other recommended facilitators for you to call upon.
- The authors also encourage those interested in the training to study carefully and understand the content in the Facilitator Manual before leading a training themselves.
Jonny Kabiswa Kyazze
Anthony Sytsma
The Chalmers Center - Helping Without Hurting in Africa
Amazon - Helping Without Hurting in Africa
Resonate Global Mission
World Renew
The Chalmers Center - Business Trainings
The Chalmers Center - Savings Curriculums
The Chalmers Center - Innovate Training
The Gospel Coalition Africa
Meet an African Pastor Podcast
Truth Centered Transformation
Church and Community Mobilization Process
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