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People are not poor because they don’t have

By Katta Linda

I have been blessed through this course and I believe by the help of God to change the community around me. I appreciate our dear facilitators Anthony, Jonny, and Simon for the work greatly done. May God bless you all and give you more wisdom and knowledge in other trainings so that you continue to be a blessing to other groups."

I am so grateful to have reached the climax of the course, and it has been a real good moment to have this training. It came at the right time. Majorly, this course has really opened up my mind. The way I have been doing things has really changed basing on the types of poverty we looked at. I looked at how we were not using the available resources that we had. I could not look at it as a big thing, but after the lessons, it really showed me that there are resources that we have to access, that people are not poor because they don't have. The poverty we only looked at before, we knew it was having no money, but it really opened my mind and whenever I am in the community I have been trying now to sensitize people on the resources that they have and how they can utilize them. It has really been a good training. It has not only worked at my workplace, but I'm trying to implement it, and really I appreciate.

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