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Involve the Materially Disadvantaged

By David Fugoyo

I got the news about this training from the The Gospel Coalition Africa, and I was not very sure I was going to commit myself to the end. But I want really to thank God that I have attended every single lesson without missing any of them. And the other thing is our two facilitators, Anthony and Jonny, you are amazing, in the way that you communicate the truth, you know, in a very simple easy way.

It has really helped us...with emphasis on those who are materially disadvantaged, to see them, how do we see them, how should we love them, how should we involve them in everything we are doing for them, actually we should not be doing it for them, but with them. I'm repeating these words so that you know they will remain with me. This training will do much in this continent. It will be there in our pulpits. It will be there in our classrooms.

With your help we can continue to satisfy Africa’s thirst for God’s Word.

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