The Fellowship of His Sufferings
When you first became a Christian, what did you expect your life would look like? Did you think you’d always be happy and content, constantly singing God’s praises from a heart overflowing with joy? Were you surprised to find that all your problems had not vanished? Did you feel angry or confused that suffering was…
Read MoreDid Jesus Need the Holy Spirit?
The ministry of Jesus is a remarkable era in human history. For thirty-three years, God walked on earth as a human being. He performed many incredible miracles, gave world-shaking teachings, and even rose from the dead. How did Jesus do it? The most obvious answer is that he was no ordinary prophet. Jesus is the…
Read MoreExposing the Darkness
No one knew how the god claimed his victims. Whenever someone committed an offence against Magiro, their fate was sealed. Some would be fined or persecuted by Magiro’s secretive cult. But others vanished for ever, said to be “swallowed up” by Magiro. When the god struck, no one could intervene. Magiro’s unquestioned power cast a…
Read MoreGetting to Know Our Perfect Helper
Imagine if Jesus was still on the earth with us today. If Christ never ascended into heaven but remained on earth as a teacher and Christian leader, what would our lives look like? We could ask him all our questions and hear his opinion on every current issue. We could go visit Jesus and have…
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