La Bible d'étude: perspectives africaines
Over 100 million Christians in Africa read in French, but there are shockingly less French resources than English. An Oasis partner visiting one of the prominent seminary libraries in Francophone Africa was surprised to discover that less than 20% of the reference books were in French!
The enthusiastic response to the Africa Study Bible in English continues to confirm its importance, but the lack of biblical resources in the French language makes the need for the French version even greater.
Partnering with PJA (Publications pour la jeunesse africaines), the creation of La Bible d’étude: perspectives africaines or La BEPA – a vital resource for Francophone Africa – was completed in 2023. With Nouvelle Bible Segond, 2002, 161 maps and graphical features, 121 page topical index, and 2,253 total pages, La BEPA is a precious resource that we hope, over time, will reach the over 100 million Christians in Africa who read in French.
Give today to equip the French-speaking church in Africa with vital Bibles and discipleship resources. We are committed to publishing African authors, and French-speaking African voices deserve to be heard.

Prof Dr Abel Ndjerareou (left) an Africa Study Bible contributor and Professor at Shalom Evangelical School of Theology in Chad alongside Greg Burgess (right) our French project leader and founder of PJA are excited at completing La Bible d’Etude, Perspectives africaines.
Prof Ndjerareou says:
"The Africa Study Bible is a timely response to thousands of Christians in Africa who, like the Ethiopian official, are reading the Scripture without understanding its message (Acts 8:31). The Africa Study Bible has been variously welcomed as a precious resource, divinely providential. The church has come of age. This work is original, rich, profound, culturally sensitive, and inspiring and meets a long-felt need. The French version, La Bible d’Etude: perspectives africaines, is about to be launched. Just as I was involved in casting the vision [in English], I am more committed today to promote [La BEPA]'s launching across Africa French speaking countries as well as in francophone diaspora beyond Africa."
“French-speaking Africa is known for its material poverty. One element of this poverty is the lack of
Christian literature resources in the French language. The need for French-language Bible study materials is, and remains to be, an even more profound source of poverty for the region. With so few study Bibles in Francophone Africa, translating this Bible is not merely a priority, it is a necessity, an emergency.
It will be like providing food (God’s Word) for a starving population.”
– Dr Daniel Bourdanné, Former General Secretary, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students

Trial training day for training of trainers in Cotonou, Benin in early December 2021. Participants joined from Christian organizations and churches, including: the Benin Bible Society, Scripture Union, Wycliffe Benin, Langham Preaching, the Benin Bible Institute, African Christian Press Benin, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (known as InterVarsity in the USA) and two participants who traveled from Togo committed to become BEPA trainers in Togo.

The BEPA Launch and Training Team, from left: Abel Ndjerarreou, BEPA Founding Member, Launch & Training Strategic Counselor; Augustin Ahoga, Launch & Training Coordinator French-speaking Africa; Genevieve Guei, Launch & Training Coordinator West French-speaking Africa; Barka Kamnadj, Launch & Training Coordinator Central & Islands French-speaking Africa; and Greg Burgess BEPA Project Leader and Founder of Publications pour la jeunesse africaines, Oasis's co-publisher and partner in creating this vital resource for Francophone Africa.
La Bible d'étude: perspectives africaines combines the clear, accurate text of modern translations with 2600 study tools and notes written by 350 contributors from 50 countries. This resource reflects uniquely African insights and experiences.
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