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Coming Together for Transformational Development

By Samuel Onyait

As we come to the end of this training, Helping without Hurting in Africa, I want to make a number of remarks. First, I am thankful to the facilitators for guiding us very well. Facilitating a training before such a diverse audience from different regions of Africa and beyond can be challenging because we are not only distant from one another geographically, but also culturally diverse. I attribute this to the commitment and humility of the facilitators as well as their ability to communicate effectively. Because of this, they have been able to share hard truths without courting controversy or losing the audience. That for me is a great example to emulate. You've not only taught using words, but also through example, the kind of character that you've displayed. I'm so appreciative.

Secondly, I want to appreciate my fellow students. I have not been able to see everyone's face, but I have heard people's voices. And I feel part of a family that has been meeting on this platform for several weeks. I feel bound to this family. I feel so blessed that I was able to be part of this family. And I really believe God is calling us to something important for Africa at this point in time. One of my pastors once said, “Whenever God wants to get something done, he rallies his people from different parts of the world, he stirs them up and gives them a task or vision to accomplish.” He commissions them. And I think this is exactly what God has done to us through this training. I appreciate the words of wisdom from colleagues from West Africa, Southern Africa, East Africa, and other parts of the world that have participated. Your words of wisdom will stick.

Lastly, what this course has done for me is to wake me up from the kind of slumber I was getting into, challenging me that there is more that you can do, for the sake of the poor in Africa. You know when you see poverty over and over and little changes, it tends to breed a sense of helplessness and capitulation. We have so many poor in Africa and the challenge of getting used and giving up is real. I think that's what I was getting into, but this course has helped wake me up, to say no to slumber, to say no to folding hands, and get busy doing something for the sake of those who are disadvantaged. This for me is a new call and I appreciate the call.

This has been an opportunity like no other. It has been my first opportunity to train together with other Christian leaders from across Africa on the subject of development and helping the poor. I wish I could stay in touch with all these people so as to continue championing the cause of the poor now that this group is equipped. I plan to start a platform that can make it possible for me to work with church leaders and ordinary Christians to implement what I have learnt. I will be an agent of transformational development and defeat systemic poverty.


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